Ebo Elder - Calvary Community Church – Cedar Rapids

Feb 1, 2021
Church Staff

About Ebo Elder

Ebo Elder is a dedicated servant of God, tirelessly working to bring positive change to the community through his role at Calvary Community Church in Cedar Rapids. With his strong faith and unwavering commitment, he has become an influential figure in the area.

Calvary Community Church

Calvary Community Church, located in the beautiful city of Cedar Rapids, is a thriving congregation that seeks to provide a welcoming and inclusive space for people of all backgrounds. Led by Ebo Elder, the church extends its reach into the community, spreading the message of love, compassion, and faith.

The Importance of Faith and Beliefs

At House of Faith Open Bible, we understand the significance of faith and beliefs in shaping individuals and communities. Our mission is to foster a strong sense of spirituality and encourage personal growth through our various programs and services.

Services Offered

Our church offers a wide range of services designed to meet the spiritual needs of individuals and families:

  • Sunday Worship Gatherings: Join us every Sunday for uplifting worship, inspiring sermons, and meaningful fellowship.
  • Bible Studies: Deepen your understanding of God's word through our engaging and enlightening Bible study sessions.
  • Community Outreach: We actively engage with the community by organizing events and initiatives that promote unity, love, and support.
  • Youth Programs: We have a vibrant youth ministry dedicated to guiding and nurturing the next generation.
  • Missions: We believe in making a positive impact beyond our local community, with a focus on global outreach.

The Impact of Ebo Elder's Work

Ebo Elder's leadership and passion have played a significant role in transforming lives within the congregation and the wider Cedar Rapids community. Through his guidance and teachings, he empowers individuals to overcome challenges, find purpose, and live a life centered around faith and love.

Building a Stronger Community

House of Faith Open Bible is committed to building a stronger community in Cedar Rapids and beyond. Through partnerships with local organizations, we work together to address social issues, provide support to those in need, and promote positive change.

Join Us

Whether you are seeking spiritual guidance, a sense of belonging, or an opportunity to make a difference, we invite you to join us at Calvary Community Church. Through our genuine love for God and one another, we believe that together, we can create a brighter future for our community and the world.

Reach Out to Us

If you have any questions or would like more information about our church and the work we do, please don't hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you into our House of Faith Open Bible family.

Jonathan Slobodinsky
Wow, Ebo Elder is an inspiring church leader. 😇 His dedication to serving God and the community is truly commendable. I am grateful for his tireless efforts in bringing positive change through Calvary Community Church in Cedar Rapids. The impact he has made is immeasurable. Keep shining your light, Ebo! ✨🙏
Nov 10, 2023
John Davis
Inspiring church leader.
Oct 4, 2023