Marriage - Saint Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church - Indianola

Oct 20, 2020

Welcome to the Marriage page of House of Faith Open Bible in Indianola. We believe in the sacred bond of marriage and its significance in building strong families and communities. At Saint Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, we are dedicated to guiding couples through the beautiful journey of marriage, providing spiritual support, and fostering a deep understanding of their shared faith and beliefs.

The Importance of Marriage

Marriage is the foundation of our community and society. It is a lifelong commitment between two individuals, symbolizing love, unity, and partnership. Through marriage, couples embark on a journey filled with joy, challenges, growth, and spiritual transformation. The sacrament of marriage brings families closer to God, reinforcing the values of love, respect, and selflessness.

Marriage Preparation

At Saint Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, we understand the importance of preparation for this lifelong commitment. Our comprehensive marriage preparation program equips engaged couples with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of married life. Through classes, workshops, and counseling sessions, we provide guidance on effective communication, conflict resolution, financial management, and maintaining a strong spiritual foundation.

Topics Covered in Marriage Preparation:

  • Communication and Active Listening
  • Conflict Resolution Strategies
  • Financial Planning and Budgeting
  • Building a Strong Spiritual Connection
  • Navigating Family Dynamics
  • Intimacy and Emotional Connection
  • Preparing for Parenthood

The Sacrament of Matrimony

In the Catholic faith, marriage is not just a social or legal contract but a sacred sacrament blessed by God. As a couple exchanges their vows, they invite Him to be an integral part of their union, seeking His guidance and grace throughout their lives. The sacrament of matrimony is a beautiful reflection of Christ's love for His Church and calls couples to a life rooted in selflessness, compassion, and unwavering commitment.

The Role of Faith and Beliefs

At House of Faith Open Bible, we recognize that a strong and vibrant faith life is vital to maintaining a healthy and thriving marriage. Our church community provides numerous opportunities for couples to deepen their faith and grow together spiritually. From prayer groups and Bible study sessions to retreats and marriage enrichment programs, we encourage couples to actively engage in their faith, strengthening their bond and leaving room for God to work wonders in their lives.

Benefits of a Faith-Based Marriage:

  • Shared spiritual practices
  • Guidance from clergy and marriage mentors
  • Support from a loving community
  • Opportunities for ongoing personal and marital growth
  • Renewal of commitment to God and one another

Building a Lasting Marriage

A lasting, fulfilling marriage requires continuous effort, dedication, and a commitment to personal and marital growth. Saint Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, through House of Faith Open Bible, offers ongoing support and resources for couples at every stage of their journey. Our marriage enrichment programs, retreats, and counseling services provide valuable insights, practical tools, and a nurturing environment where couples can strengthen their relationship and deepen their love.

Key Aspects of Building a Lasting Marriage:

  1. Effective communication and active listening
  2. Continuous growth and personal development
  3. Fostering emotional intimacy and connection
  4. Practicing forgiveness and reconciliation
  5. Nurturing shared interests and hobbies
  6. Navigating life's challenges together
  7. Maintaining a strong spiritual foundation
  8. Cultivating a loving and supportive community

Contact Us

If you are planning to get married or would like to enrich your existing marriage, we invite you to reach out to our marriage ministry at Saint Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. Our knowledgeable and compassionate team is here to support and guide you on your journey towards a fulfilling and blessed married life. Please feel free to contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation.

Randy Schenewerk
Love and faith unite, creating strong bonds. 💒💞
Oct 7, 2023