Living Sent - Heritage Church

Sep 30, 2017

Embrace the Power of Living Sent

Welcome to the House of Faith Open Bible, a vibrant and inclusive community dedicated to empowering individuals to live a life driven by faith. At Heritage Church, we believe in the transformative power of living sent, where each member works towards spreading love, hope, and kindness in our community and society.

Our Commitment to Faith and Beliefs

As a member of the House of Faith Open Bible, you become part of our commitment to faith and beliefs. We firmly believe that faith serves as the foundation for a meaningful and purposeful life. Through our comprehensive programs and activities, we strive to strengthen your spiritual journey and assist you in discovering your unique purpose.

Building a Supportive Community

At Heritage Church, community plays a pivotal role in our collective growth. We foster an environment where individuals from diverse backgrounds come together to support and uplift one another. Our welcoming atmosphere ensures that everyone feels valued and included, regardless of their age, race, or gender.

Faith-Based Programs and Services

Our faith-based programs and services are designed to address the holistic needs of our community members. From engaging sermons that inspire and challenge, to small group discussions that encourage deep connections, we offer a plethora of opportunities to deepen your faith and build authentic relationships.

Engagement with the Wider Community

Living sent means actively engaging with the wider community beyond the walls of our church. House of Faith Open Bible proudly organizes various outreach initiatives aimed at making a positive impact in society. Our members are encouraged to participate in volunteering activities, charitable endeavors, and community events that demonstrate God's love in action.

Find Your Place at Heritage Church

Regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey, there's a place for you at Heritage Church. We understand that everyone's path is unique, and we are committed to providing a safe space where you can freely explore and deepen your relationship with God.

Worship Services

Join us for our weekly worship services where we gather to glorify God, seek spiritual truth, and experience His presence. Our services are filled with uplifting music, powerful sermons, and opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals passionate about growing in their faith.

Discipleship and Bible Study

Take part in our discipleship and Bible study programs that offer a deeper understanding of God's Word. These sessions provide an enriching environment for spiritual growth, enabling you to apply biblical principles to your daily life and inspire those around you.

Community Events

From family picnics to leadership conferences, our community events foster fellowship, encouragement, and personal development. Engage in vibrant discussions, share life experiences, and forge lasting connections with others who share your faith and values.

Experience the Transformative Power of Living Sent

At the House of Faith Open Bible, we believe that true transformation happens when we live sent. It is in the active demonstration of our faith that we see lives changed, relationships restored, and communities impacted. Join us in embracing this profound journey of living sent as we strive to make a difference in the world around us.

Visit us at to learn more about Heritage Church, our programs, and how you can become an integral part of our faith-driven community.

Afoma Obiogbolu
Living Sent - Heritage Church is a wonderful community that encourages faith-driven lives and spreading love and kindness in the world.
Oct 6, 2023