Westside Assembly of God | Ministries

May 2, 2020

About House of Faith Open Bible Church

Welcome to the House of Faith Open Bible Church's website, your hub for exploring the various ministries we offer. As a vibrant community and society focused on faith and beliefs, our mission is to provide opportunities for growth, fellowship, and service. Our Westside Assembly of God is one of the key branches of our church, with a range of ministries tailored to engage and empower individuals of all ages.

Youth Ministry

Our Youth Ministry at Westside Assembly of God is committed to nurturing and equipping the next generation. Through engaging programs, dynamic worship, and impactful teachings, we provide an environment where young people can connect with God, develop lifelong friendships, and discover their unique purpose. Our dedicated team of youth leaders creates a safe and exciting space for teens to grow spiritually and become influential leaders in their communities.

Children's Ministry

In our Children's Ministry, we believe in laying a strong foundation of faith in the hearts of our little ones. We offer various age-appropriate classes, interactive Bible lessons, and fun-filled activities that aim to introduce children to the love of Jesus Christ. Our passionate volunteers work diligently to create an engaging and nurturing environment where kids can learn and grow in their relationship with God.

Women's Ministry

The Women's Ministry at Westside Assembly of God is dedicated to empowering women of all ages. We offer a range of activities, including Bible studies, workshops, and retreats, specifically designed to address the unique needs and challenges faced by women today. By fostering genuine connections and promoting personal growth, our Women's Ministry creates a supportive environment where women can strengthen their faith, find encouragement, and develop lasting friendships.

Men's Ministry

Our Men's Ministry is committed to helping men of all ages become godly leaders in their families, workplaces, and communities. Through fellowship events, Bible studies, and mentorship programs, we provide a space where men can grow in faith, accountability, and friendships. We aim to equip men with the tools they need to navigate the challenges of life with integrity, strength, and the guiding principles of their faith.

Community Outreach

At Westside Assembly of God, we are passionate about making a positive impact on the community around us. Our Community Outreach Ministry organizes various initiatives, such as food drives, homeless shelter support, and neighborhood clean-ups. By serving and demonstrating God's love in practical ways, we aim to transform lives and create a more compassionate society.

Prayer Ministry

Prayer is the backbone of our Westside Assembly of God community. Our Prayer Ministry provides a dedicated space for individuals to seek prayer, intercession, and spiritual guidance. We believe in the power of prayer to bring healing, restoration, and breakthroughs. Whether it's through weekly prayer meetings, prayer chains, or personal counseling, our ministry team is committed to standing with you in faith and supporting you on your spiritual journey.


At House of Faith Open Bible Church's Westside Assembly of God, we are deeply committed to fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment rooted in faith and beliefs. Through our ministries, we aim to inspire, educate, and empower individuals to experience the transforming power of God's love. Join us on this journey of faith as we build a strong community, cultivate authentic relationships, and make a lasting impact in the world around us.

Pam Jensen
Thank you for sharing the different ministries offered at Westside Assembly of God!
Nov 11, 2023